Monumen Dr. TD Pardede

Tumpal Dorianus (TD) Pardede was a successful businessman from North Tapanuli whose influence spans widely across North Sumatera. He was agile and flexible in running his business, entering all kinds of sectors such as textile, fishery, plantation, hotels, and banking. Later he also created a foundation that supports education, builds church, hospital, and funded its own soccer team. He began by working as a plantation worker under the Dutch colonial era and was paid very little at that time, as all native workers under colonial invasion were. In the 1950s, after many struggles, his textile company alone, Pardedetex, had managed to absorb more than 3000 workers. Some of his businesses that still operate until this day are Hotel Danau Toba International, Herna Public Hospital, and Darma Agung University. His success attracted political leaders to weave contact with him. He voluntarily supported the Indonesian Army by producing and supplying blankets when the situation was dire. He was also appointed as a minister under President Soekarno’s Dwikora Cabinet, though this cabinet only existed for a short time.

His monument is located on a site where the Pardedetex factory once stood. It shows the figure of TD Pardede and his wife, Hermina Br. Napitupulu, standing facing the Binjai highway. The figure was made of concrete, entirely in white, giving iit a serene impression with the sky as its background. TD Pardede was wearing a minister’s uniform while holding his wife’s hand. Hermina Br. Napitupulu was depicted wearing a simple and neutral design of kebaya. This choice of attire for both the figures is a symbol of nationalism, that TD Pardede in his life served not only a specified group or ethnicity, but for the nation and the people.

Tumpal Dorianus Pardede adalah wirausahawan kelahiran Tapanuli Utara yang berpengaruh di Sumatera Utara. Ia mendirikan berbagai perusahaan yang bergerak di sektor tekstil, perikanan, perkebunan, perhotelan, perbankan dan yayasan yang mencakup sekolah, gereja, klub sepak bola dan rumah sakit. TD Pardede bermula dari seorang buruh perkebunan kolonial Belanda, hingga pebisnis yang usahanya menyerap ribuan tenaga; pada tahun 1950an, pabrik tekstilnya ‘Pardedetex’ mempekerjakan sekitar 3000 karyawan. Beberapa warisannya yang masih berdiri hingga saat ini adalah Hotel Danau Toba Internasional yang berdiri di sejumlah kota besar di Indonesia, Rumah Sakit Umum Herna, dan Universitas Darma Agung di Medan. Selain sebagai pebisnis, TD Pardede juga berperan dalam bidang politik. Ia tercatat menerima sejumlah penghargaan dari menteri dan presiden. Pada 1965 ia diangkat menjadi Menteri Berdikari dalam Kabinet Dwikora di bawah kepemimpinan Presiden Soekarno.

Monumen TD Pardede terletak di Jalan Binjai Km 10.8 yang dahulu merupakan lokasi pabrik Pardedetex. Monumen ini berada satu wilayah dengan SMP dan SMK TD Pardede Foundation. Bentuk monumen sederhana, di atas sebuah konstruksi pedestal, berdiri patung TD Pardede yang menggandeng tangan istrinya, Hermina Br. Napitupulu. Patung TD Pardede mengenakan setelan formal pejabat negara, dan kebaya sederhana untuk Hermina Br. Napitupulu. Warna patung ini seluruhnya putih alami dari material dasarnya, dengan sedikit warna emas pada detil-detil di pakaian TD Pardede seperti kancing dan lambang Garuda di topi.

Sumber tambahan:

Detail Info

TitleMonumen Dr. TD Pardede
Also known asMonumen Dr. TD Pardede dan Hermina Boru Napitupulu
Inauguration Date20 Agustus 2001
Located inSunggal, Medan
Address/LocationJl. Binjai Timur, Paya Geli, Kec. Sunggal, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara 20228
Artwork TypeStatue (Figurative)
Project Budget
Funding Source
Person in charge

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