Patung Kodam Siliwangi

This statue shows the figure of a soldier with a tiger. The soldier was in a stepping pose while raising one hand in the air. In his raised hand is a rifle, while the other is holding a flag stick. The tiger beside him looked a little thin in golden yellow paint as its skin and black as his stripes. The soldier figure himself is in dark black with gold-painted details on his clothes.

Patung ini menampilkan figur sesosok prajurit bersama seekor harimau. Prajurit tersebut tengah dalam pose melangkah sambil mengangkat satu tangannya ke udara. Dalam genggaman tangannya yang terangkat terdapat sebuah senapan, sedangkan tangan satunya lagi memegang sebuah tongkat bendera. Sosok harimau di sampingnya terlihat sedikit kurus dengan cat berwarna kuning keemasan. Figur tentara sendiri berwarna hitam gelap dengan detil-detil cat emas pada pakaiannya.

Detail Info

TitlePatung Kodam Siliwangi
Also known as
Inauguration Date
Located inKODAM III SIliwangi, Bandung
Address/LocationJl. Aceh, Bandung
Artwork Type
Project Budget
Funding Source
Person in charge

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