Patung Pastor Verbraak

Pastor Henricus Christiaan Verbraak was born in Rotterdam, Netherland in 1835 and died in Magelang, East Java in 1918. He was a much loved religious figure whose contribution during the war against the colonial occupation earned him various supports and respects from people across all cities he had preached in. His reputation went so far that The Dutch East Indian Army initiated to build a monument in his honor in Bandung, West Java, a city which he had never visited. He received many awards of recognition, notably from the government of Rotterdam City and Banda Aceh. The monument was created by artist G.J.W Rueb, displaying the full-body figure of Pastor Verbraak wearing a traditional preaching robe. His left chest displayed the honorary medals he received throughout his journey in Indonesia and his hands were holding a small bible.

Tahun 1922, pemerintah Kota Rotterdam memberikan penghargaan untuk Verbraak sebagai warga kota teladan atas segala pengabdiannya bagi kemanusiaan. Di tahun yang sama, penghormatannya ditunjukkan dengan pembuatan patung figur utuh Pastor Verbraak di salah satu sudut utara Taman Maluku yang terletak di Jl. Seram menghadap ke istana komandan militer. Patung ini dibuat oleh seniman G.J.W. Rueb dengan pembiayaan oleh lembaga The Dutch East Indian Army.

Detail Info

TitlePatung Pastor Verbraak
Also known as
Creator/ArtistPerupa G.J.W. Rueb
Inauguration Date
Located inBandung
Address/LocationJl. Seram, Bandung
Artwork TypeStatue (Figurative)
Project Budget
Funding SourceLembaga ‘The Dutch East Indian Army’
Person in charge

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