Tower of Mufflers

There are about a thousand mufflers and TNKB plates or vehicle number plates collected from police raids against thousands of drivers who violate the driving and traffic rules. The two collections of objects are craftily composed into the shape of a tower. The Tower of Mufflers Monument is an initiative of an automotive community in Bandung, while the TNKB Tree Monument was initiated by AKBP Kristiadi, Head of the Traffic Police of Bandung Police. The two monuments are located on the front yard of the Bandung Metropolitan Police Station on Jawa Street. They were inaugurated on 3 May 2016 by Kombes. Pol. Drs. Angesta Romano Yoyol as the Chief of Bandung Metropolitan Police Station.

Ada sekitar seribu knalpot dan plat TNKB atau yang lebih akrab kita sebut plat nomor kendaraan yang terkumpul dari operasi/razia polisi terhadap pengendara kendaraan bermotor yang melanggar aturan. Kedua kumpulan objek tersebut disusun sedemikian rupa menyerupai bentuk menara. Monumen Tower of Mufflers merupakan inisiatif satu komunitas otomotif di Bandung, sedangkan Monumen Pohon TNKB digagas oleh Kasatlantas Polrestabes Bandung AKBP Kristiadi. Kedua monumen tersebut terletak di halaman depan Polrestabes Bandung di Jl. Jawa. Mereka diresmikan pada tanggal 3 Mei 2016 oleh Kombes. Pol. Drs. Angesta Romano Yoyol, M.M selaku Kapolrestabes Bandung.

Detail Info

TitleTower of Mufflers
Also known as
Inauguration Date
Located inPolrestabes Bandung, Bandung
Address/LocationJl. Jawa, Bandung
Artwork Type
Project Budget
Funding Source
Person in charge

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